Aim Carbon Monoxide Alarms
What Everyone Should Know About Carbon Monoxide
Carbon Monoxide is totally undetectable by human senses; it is an odorless, colorless and tasteless poison and is so deadly that it has earned the name “The Silent Killer.”
Carbon Monoxide is a by-product of fuel burning appliances such as poorly maintained gas or oil furnaces and gas heaters, hot water heaters, clothes dryers, gas or wood burning fireplaces or stoves, cigarette smoke, candles, automobile exhaust, no-vent space heaters, gasoline engines like lawnmowers and blowers.

If these appliances are malfunctioning or vented improperly, toxic Carbon Monoxide can enter the home. Sealing homes in bad weather can contribute to poor operation of home ventilation systems and cause hazardous levels of Carbon Monoxide.
Down-drafting is a condition by which dangerous gases that normally are ventilated out of a home through flues and chimneys are forced back into the home by air pressure imbalance.
How Carbon Monoxide Affects the Body:
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Nausea and other “Flu-like” Symptoms
- Loss of Consciousness
- Brain Damage
Protect your family from unnecessary sickness–call Goshorn, Inc. to have one of our technicians professionally install an Aim Carbon Monoxide detector-Your life is worth getting the right Alarm.